Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Red Sky in the Morning"

Good morning skiers across America,
There is and old saying "red sky in the morning sailors take warning"...a storm is coming.
As I sit here, looking out the window 7:30am, there is a beautiful 'red sky' over the Wasatch Mountains...
There is a storm coming. 10-12" inches for Solitude should be here tonight. It's going to be another
great week at Solitude. Powder for days.
Time to head up the mountain for some pre storm skiing, warm and fast, then hit The Thirsty Squirrel for a beer
and eats.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beat the Inversion, head up The Big

Yesterday I woke up to a mean inversion. How could the skiing be any good when you cannot see the mountains? Fortunately for me and my wife, our son a Ski patrolman at Solitude convinced us to head up The Big Cottonwood. He assured us the air was clear. It was his day off after working five on the hill he wanted to free ski. So he strapped on his teles.
Not only was the air clear, but we took the Powderhorn chair, went out Powderhorn gate going left and found  a 'stash' of fresh powder that had been waiting for days to be skied!
The first thing I noticed was the excellent new Powderhorn gate enrty trail that had been built last summer. No more navigating rocks and stumps. A few steps out and you are in Black Forest with plently great open bowl and tree skiing.
Well, I could write more but we are heading back up now no 'red' air for me.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

POWDER ALERT! Sunday 21 November

Anmarie and went up to Solitude yesterday. It was cloudy in the valley but the snow was excellent. The first was just coming dropping  powder upon  powder.  I could believe we had fresh turn after fresh turn...I remember going to Snowbird and we would have to fight for these turns. Solitude has got my vote. Heading up again today...10 inches on the bench!!!  It's going to be deep. Ski the steeps.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Say Hey Opening Day at Solitude Utah

We just came down the Big Cottonwood. Clicked in at Solitude Ski Resort, sun was out, the skiing was rather exceptional for Nov 12th.
We lapped the Apex chair, definitely rockin' and hit some POWDER unreal. I know other resorts are opening tomorrow but  am back to SOLITUDE!! The coverage is too good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Solitude Ski Resort ' a thing of beauty' 26 degrees snowing

Yep. I dropped off a cake to the Solitude ski patrol. 26 degrees and beautiful snow. From the village I could see three sweetly groomed runs ready for Friday.
This dude walked up with his big powders skinned and ready to hike up. No waiting for chairs.

 Cheers Be there Friday

Heading up Big Cottonwood with left over birthday cake

Hello Skiers and Boarders,
It's snowing lightly in SLC valley.

Heading up Big Cottonwood with left over birthday cake...I will leave it with Solitude Ski patrol, I hear they are getting ready for Friday's Nov 12 open. They work hard so maybe a little cake will make the day.
I will update y'all later.

Best Brian