Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Red Sky in the Morning"

Good morning skiers across America,
There is and old saying "red sky in the morning sailors take warning"...a storm is coming.
As I sit here, looking out the window 7:30am, there is a beautiful 'red sky' over the Wasatch Mountains...
There is a storm coming. 10-12" inches for Solitude should be here tonight. It's going to be another
great week at Solitude. Powder for days.
Time to head up the mountain for some pre storm skiing, warm and fast, then hit The Thirsty Squirrel for a beer
and eats.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beat the Inversion, head up The Big

Yesterday I woke up to a mean inversion. How could the skiing be any good when you cannot see the mountains? Fortunately for me and my wife, our son a Ski patrolman at Solitude convinced us to head up The Big Cottonwood. He assured us the air was clear. It was his day off after working five on the hill he wanted to free ski. So he strapped on his teles.
Not only was the air clear, but we took the Powderhorn chair, went out Powderhorn gate going left and found  a 'stash' of fresh powder that had been waiting for days to be skied!
The first thing I noticed was the excellent new Powderhorn gate enrty trail that had been built last summer. No more navigating rocks and stumps. A few steps out and you are in Black Forest with plently great open bowl and tree skiing.
Well, I could write more but we are heading back up now no 'red' air for me.